
Warmly Welcome HAVELLS India Ltd Visiting Leap
Category: Company News
Date: 2017-11-30
Click: 2953
Author: admin
In November 6th, 2017, India customers(HAVELLS India Ltd) visited our company, we just met Havells team at Hong Light Fair on Accompanied by Leap’s managing team, Mr.

In November 6th, 2017, India customers(HAVELLS India Ltd) visited our company, we just met Havells team at Hong Light Fair on 29-Oct 2017 and Havelles’ team very interested in Leap’s nice panel light: special design, high end quality, professional sales team, which really impressed Havells team at Lighting Fair..


Accompanied by Leap’s managing team, Mr. Nishant Kar, Mr. Mahender Singh Bagri and Mr. Sobat Singh Aswal toured the company's production workshop, testing facilities and met relevanted technical staff . Based on rich professional knowledge, strong production ability and best quality control system from Leap’s, customers expressed confidence in the co-operation with Leap, will continue discussing sample issue and other details after this meeting. Hope to achieve a win-win cooperation projects soon. At the same time, Leap become more and more famous in led panel light manufacturing industry!

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