
2017 Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair
Category: Company News
Date: 2017-11-25
Click: 2899
Author: admin
of high quality down light, which mold made by ourselves and very special.really impressed many customers from all over the world.

2017 Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair


Foshan LEAP Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd ended Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair(October 27-30 ) successfully.

In the Fair, Leap Showing the company's three series of new design LED panel lights and a series of high quality down light, which mold made by ourselves and very special. Many customers were exciting in our panel light design.

Leap’s Special design, top quality, nice price, strong production ability and best service really impressed many customers from all over the world. Many customers arranged to tour Leap factory after exhibition for better understand each other.

Previous: Warmly Welcome Mr.Prem Khanna and Mr.Sandeep From Gourav Roshini Limited Visting Leap
Next: Warmly Welcome Italy Customer Visiting Foshan LEAP Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd
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