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  • LED Panel Light Development Prospect

    per cent year-on-year growth.gradually increasing.favorite" in subdivided LED lighting market.quality led panel light manufacturing and growing stronger and stronger in led panel light industry.

  • LED Technology and Its Advantages

    In 1923, scientists Rousseff (O.W.Lossew) found that SiC P-N junction has a one-way conductive and luminous phenomenon; after 1955, R.J.Haynes proposed the semiconductor germanium P-N junction Research Report, G.A.Wolff studied the luminescence phenomenon of gap; in 1968, American Monsanto company a

  • LED IntroductionLED Introduction

    LEDs create light by electroluminescence in a semiconductor material. Electroluminescence is the phenomenon of a material emitting light when electric current or an electric field is passed through it - this happens when electrons are sent through the material and fill electron holes.

  • Cree Launches New COB LED Arrays With 33% Efficacy Gain

    Leading into the Strategies in Light conference next week in Las Vegas, Cree has announced the CXA2 series of chip-on-board (COB) LEDs that deliver 33% greater efficacy compared to the prior CXA series products in similar form factors. Cree expects the LEDs to find usage in directional applications

  • Why Use LED Lights?

    The following information will help you understand the benefits of choosing LED lighting as you begin a new commercial lighting project, or replace conventional lighting in a residential application you may already be using.

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